Running Multiple MySQL Servers on Linux
The easiest way is to run multiple MySQL servers on Linux is to compile them with different TCP/IP ports and Unix socket files so that each one is listening on different network interfaces. Compiling in different base directories for each installation also results automatically in a separate, compiled-in data directory, log file, and PID file location for each server.
Assume that an existing 5.0.19 server is configured for the default TCP/IP port number (3306) and Unix socket file (/tmp/mysql.sock). To configure a new 5.5.4 server to have different operating parameters, use a configure command something like this:
# ./configure –with-tcp-port=port_number \
–with-unix-socket-path=file_name \
Here, port_number and file_name must be different from the default TCP/IP port number and Unix socket file path name, and the –prefix value should specify an installation directory different from the one under which the existing MySQL installation is located.
Reset the license for Ensim Pro Control Panel Linux
Ensim Pro Control Panel license is tied to a MAC-address. Therefore, when you change your network card, Ensim does not recognize the license as valid anymore.
Rename /etc/appliance/.license/.LIC_file and /etc/appliance/.license/.MLK_file so that the license would be treated as a new one by Ensim
# mv /etc/appliance/.license/.MLK_file /etc/appliance/.license/.MLK_file.bak
# mv /etc/appliance/.license/.LIC_file /etc/appliance/.license/.LIC_file.bak
Once this is done, we need to contact support to reset the license.
How to disable anonymous FTP in EnsimPro for Linux
By deafult the configuration file is: /etc/proftpd.conf has the last line as:
include “/etc/proftpd/anonymousftp”
which means anonymous ftp is enabled.
Upon commenting this out with a ” # ” and restarting the service ,anonymous ftp is disabled.
Bandwidth is getting calculated higher than expected in Ensim Pro for Linux
For RHEL4, Cent OS 4.1, Cent OS 4.2, Cent OS 4.3:
Installation Procedure:
rpm -Uvh webppliance-bandwidth-4.1.0-38.[os version].i386.rpm
service webppliance restart
service bandwidth_manager restart
service [affected service] restart (where affected services are proftpd, sendmail, ssh)
Reference :
Installation issues on CentOS for Ensim Pro Linux
Since a minimal OS installation for CentOS don’t install prerequisites packages for Ensim Pro X 10.0.0, it is mandatory to create CentOS repos on the local drive or provide an external repos while installing Ensim Pro X 10.0.0
python ./ – –adminname=admin –adminpasswd=password –updater=yum –os-source= –updates-source=
python ./ – –adminname=admin –adminpasswd=password –updater=yum –os-source=file:///path/to/repos/os –updates-source=file:///path/to/repos/updates