Archive for the tag 'Limits'

Set a barrier and limits for the new Container

Set a barrier and limit for unswappable kernel memory, private (or potentially private) memory, number of files opened by all Container processes, disk space and the total number of disk inodes (files, directories, symbolic links) a Container can allocate

Save the barrier/limit values to the Container configuration file.

# vzctl set 444 –save –kmemsize 24299200:26429120 –privvmpages 362144:392912 –numfile
12000:12000 –diskspace 5117880:5242880 –diskinodes 350000:370000

Enable working Power Panel on the vzpp port with the “–offline_management yes –offline_service vzpp” options.

# vzctl set 444 –save –offline_management yes –offline_service vzpp

Limits in Parallels Plesk Panel for usernames/passwords

User names and passwords in Parallels Plesk Panel are case sensitive. The following limits for user and password length exist:

For Unix/Linux Systems.

Parallels Plesk Panel user name length 1…20
Parallels Plesk Panel user password length 5…14
System user name length 1…16
System user password length 5…255

Increase Courier-IMAP Limits in Plesk

Increase Courier-IMAP Limits in Plesk

Plesk is configured with the following limitations for Courier-IMAP.

1. A single IP address can establish 4 connections simultaneously.

2. IMAP connections are not established more than 40 connections.

You can increase Courier-IMAP e-mail server limits by editing the file - ‘/etc/courier-imap/imapd’.


1. Open the file - /etc/courier-imap/imapd

vi /etc/courier-imap/imapd

2. Navigate the line “MAXPERIP”. You can find the value as 4.

3. Change this value as per your wish and save the file


4. Navigate the line “MAXDAEMONS” and change its value to 80


5. Save the file

6. Restart Plesk service

/etc/rc.d/init.d/psa restart