Archive for the tag 'Initial'

How to Speed up NTP initial synchronization

Open the NT P configuration file /etc/ntp.conf in a text editor such as vi or nano, or create a new one if it does not already exist:

# nano /etc/ntp.conf

To speed the initial synchronization up, add the iburst directive at the end of each server line:

server iburst
server iburst
server iburst

Initial RAM disk image ( initrd )

Initial RAM disk image ( initrd )

Once the second stage boot loader has determined which kernel to boot, it locates the corresponding kernel binary in the /boot/ directory. The proper binary is the /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.x-xx file that corresponds to the boot loader’s settings.

Next the boot loader places the appropriate initial RAM disk image, called an initrd, into memory. The initrd is used by the kernel to load any drivers not compiled into it that are necessary to boot the system. This is particularly important if you have SCSI hard drives or are using the ext3 file system.