Archive for the tag 'how to use exim'

On this following post, We’ll provide a *short* exim useful command list for handle Exim Mail Administration in a easy way.

Find exim current version:

  1. exim -bV

Delete All Frozen Emails:

  1. exim -bpru|grep frozen|awk {’print $3′}|xargs exim -Mr

Force delivery of an email:

  1. exim -M email-id

Force another queue run:

  1. exim -qf

Force another queue run and attempt to flush the frozen messages:

  1. exim -qff

View the log for the message:

  1. exim -Mvl messageID

View the body of the message:

  1. exim -Mvb messageID

View the header of the message:

  1. exim -Mvh messageID

Remove bounced emails

  1. cd /var/spool/exim/input
  2. find . -type f -iname ‘*’ -exec grep -li "Failed" {} \; -exec rm {}\;