Jul 22nd, 2010
How To Reinstall Horde
How To Reinstall Horde
To reinstall Horde, preserving the existing database, you can use the following:
How To Reinstall Horde
To reinstall Horde, preserving the existing database, you can use the following:
Login to Horde Webmail fails in Plesk Panel Server
To solve this issue we need to verity the following.
Verify that authenticate via IMAP is possible.
Try authorization:
If IMAP authorization failed verify that configuration of IMAP server is correct in the file.
Verify that package courier-imap is installed and up-to-date.
Horde login error
If you are getting Horde login error in Cpanel like :
Then try this Cpanel script :
The above script will reset all the quotas for the Cpanel* users.
Installing Horde in Direct Admin
You can use the following steps to install Horde in a Direct Admin server.
1. First check whether IMAP module is enabled in PHP, if not recompile PHP with IMAP support.
Add the following entries.
–with-imap=/usr/local –with-imap-ssl
$ /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build php n
If you are doing the installation in a VPS, sometimes you might get the following error:
To fix this error install the libc-client-devel package
Now download the horde install script for DirectAdmin and install it.
This will install Horde in the server. Now you can access the Horde webmail using the URL http://domain.com/horde
If you get the following error when accessing Horde through browser,
then do the following:
3. If you would like to access the Horde using the URL http://webmail.domain.com/ do the following :
First add an A record for webmail.domain.com. Then add the following VirtualHost entry in the /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf file and restart httpd service.
<VirtualHost IP1:80 \
ServerName webmail
ServerAlias webmail.*
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/horde
$ service httpd restart
How to enable viewing HTML content in Horde.
By default it is not possible for us to view the emails in HTML format using Horde webmail interface. All the html content will be displayed at the top of the page and will be requested to download.
To fix this issue, you have to enable “Inline HTML message viewing” for Horde in the server.
To enable “Inline html message viewing” you can perform the following steps:
2. Edit the file mime_drivers.php using your favorite editor.
3. Change the following line
$mime_drivers['imp']['plain']['inline'] = false;
$mime_drivers['imp']['plain']['inline'] = true;
4. Restart the cpanel service in the server.
Now you will be able to view the html content using Horde webmail interface.