Archive for the tag 'fuser'

fuser - identify processes using files or sockets

In order to look up processes using TCP and UDP sockets, the corresponding name space has to be selected with the -n option. By default fuser will look in both IPv6 and IPv4 sock-ets. To change the default, behavior, use the -4 and -6 options. The socket(s) can be specified by the local and remote port, and the remote address. All fields are optional, but commas in front of missing fields must be present:


Either symbolic or numeric values can be used for IP addresses and port numbers.

fuser outputs only the PIDs to stdout, everything else is sent to stderr.

root@dell:~# fuser -nv tcp 25
25/tcp: root 3926 F…. master


/proc location of the proc file system


fuser -km /home kills all processes accessing the file system /home in any way.

if fuser -s /dev/ttyS1; then :; else something; fi invokes something if no other process
is using /dev/ttyS1.

fuser telnet/tcp shows all processes at the (local) TELNET port.