Archive for the tag 'freshclam'

freshclam process starts despite clamav disabled

freshclam process started by /etc/cron.daily/freshclam script which doesn’t check if clamd is disabled, to resolve this we have to modify the /etc/cron.daily/freshclam script adding the check whether the clamd is disabled.

Log into your Ensim as root
Open the /etc/cron.daily/freshclam
Replace the following lines

/usr/bin/freshclam \
–quiet \
–datadir=”/var/clamav” \
–log=”$LOG_FILE” \
–log-verbose \

with the lines

if [ "x" != "x`chkconfig --list clamd | grep on`" ]; then
/usr/bin/freshclam \
–quiet \
–datadir=”/var/clamav” \
–log=”$LOG_FILE” \
–log-verbose \