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Installing Webmin in FreeBSB

Installing Webmin in FreeBSB

Webmin and Usermin are available from the FreeBSD Ports Collection. Webmin can be installed from the /ports/sysutils/webmin/ directory, and Usermin from /ports/sysutils/usermin/.
SSH to your server and su to root.

Use the cd command to change to the port directory for Webmin:

# cd /ports/sysutils/webmin

Run the following command to install Webmin:

# make install clean

During the install process, you will be prompted for various information.

Use the defaults (hit Enter when prompted) for the Config File directory, Log file directory, Full path to Perl, and Web server port.

Select an administrative user Login name. You may want to use the same name as your server administrator account, or use the default admin username.

Enter a password for the administrative user. Make sure the password is something you can remember. You will be prompted to re-enter the password to confirm you spelled it correctly. When entering the passwords, you will not see anything echoed on the screen.

Select NO when asked if you want to use SSL. Once Webmin is installed and running, you will have the option to configure SSL support from the Webmin control panel.

It may take several minutes (depending on server load) for Webmin to finish the installation. Once the installation has completed, you will need to start Webmin using the following command:

# /usr/local/etc/webmin/start