Archive for the tag 'features'

Changes in SiteBuilder 5.0 New Features

Content templates

Rigid design templates are replaced by content templates. The new templates are extensively researched, localized, and focused on the needs of individuals and small businesses. They are pre-written for each small business type, allowing you to instantly create a site for your small business type.

Modular design

Each website gets a unique modular design. Every module has its own properties and can be managed separately.

Modern UI with in-place editing

Modern-looking, responsive and intuitive UI allows everyone to edit their website to their liking. Content is edited right where it is on a WYSIWYG basis eliminating the need for special previews.

Improved search engine optimization

Support for meta keywords, meta description, header and footer code inclusion, verification of files upload, automatic sitemap.xml and robots.txt generation.

Extended customization

Most of what you see on the website can be customized. This includes colors, sizes, images, content and so on.


Examples that show some features of TCP wrapper

If you just want to restrict ssh connections without configuring or using /etc/hosts.deny, you can add the following entries to /etc/hosts.allow:

sshd: station1 station2 station3
sshd: ALL: DENY

The version of TCP wrapper that comes with Red Hat also supports the extended options documented in the hosts_options(5)man page. Here is an example how an additional program can be spawned in e.g. the /etc/hosts.allow file:

sshd: ALL : spawn echo “Login from %c to %s” | mail -s “Login Info for %s” log@loghost

For information on the % expansions, see “man 5 hosts_access”.

The TCP wrapper is quite flexible.

And xinetd provides its own set of host-based and time-based access control functions. You can even tell xinetd to limit the rate of incoming connections.

The TCP wrapper is quite flexible. And xinetd provides its own set of host-based and time-based access control functions. You can even tell xinetd to limit the rate of incoming connections.