Archive for the tag 'ext2'


Reverting to an ext2 File System

Reverting to an ext2 File System

If you wish to revert a partition from ext3 to ext2 for any reason, you must first unmount the partition by logging in as root and typing:

umount block_device

Next, change the file system type to ext2 by typing the following command as root:

/sbin/tune2fs -O ^has_journal block_device

Check the partition for errors by typing the following command as root:

/sbin/e2fsck -y block_device

Then mount the partition again as ext2 file system by typing:

mount -t ext2 block_device /mount/point

Next, remove the .journal file at the root level of the partition by changing to the directory where it is mounted and typing:

rm -f .journal

Remember to update the /etc/fstab file.