Archive for the tag 'expired CA root'

On May 30, 2020 the commonly used Sectigo (Comodo) Root certificate, named the “AddTrust External CA” Root, will expire.

Any websites that depend on this cross-signed root must be updated by May, 2020 or run the risk of outage or displayed error message. Clients running server cronjobs with tools such as curl, wget, internal servers tasks that depends on connecting to the website using a https connection will suffer downtime as a cause of this problem.

Clients looking for an immediate fix can purchase a 1x Hour of Support plan. Our emergency support is always available 24/7.

As for our Server Management customers, we’ve already taken actions to scan and replace outdated CA Root certificates in all your servers, so we’ve got your back!

Should you’ve any questions please don’t hesitate to email us or reach our LiveChat! Interface.

Thank you for choosing ServerBuddies!