Archive for the tag 'errors'


Common NFS Syntax Errors

Common NFS Syntax Errors

The NFS server determines which file systems to export and which hosts to export these direct-
ories to via the /etc/exports file.

Be careful not to add extraneous spaces when editing this file.

For instance, the following line in the /etc/exports file shares the directory /tmp/nfs/ to the host with read/write permissions.


This line in the /etc/exports file, on the other hand, shares the same directory to the host with read-only permissions and shares it to the world with read/write permis-sions due to a single space character after the hostname.

/tmp/nfs/ (rw)

It is good practice to check any configured NFS shares by using the showmount command to verify what is being shared:

showmount -e [hostname]

Yum errors

Yum errors

While running ‘Yum update’, if we get the following error,

downloading Packages:

warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID ed00d312

Public key for syslog-ng-2.0.0-1.el4.i386.rpm is not installed

We can fix the error by installing GPG public key.

There are few kind of RPMs e.g atrpms, dag..

You can see the RPM types using the command,

yum list

Below are the ways to install RPM GPG keys for atrpms and dag,


rpm –import RPM-GPG-KEY.atrpms

rpm –import RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt

Checking disks for errors using the badblocks command

Read-only test using the badblocks command.

This is a non-destructive read-only test which can be run on disk even if it contains a mounted filesystem. It simply verifies that each block can be read; it does not test for write errors.

sudo badblocks -s -v -c 10240 /dev/sdx
-s = show progress
-v = verbose mode
-c 10240 - check 10K blocks at a time