500 error in Ensim interface if python-kid is upgraded
To resolve this issue.
For RHEL4, Cent OS 4.1, Cent OS 4.2, Cent OS 4.3, Cent OS 4.4:
Installation Procedure:
Get the binary from the locations mentioned above.
Execute the binary
python removeTemplateBytecode.pyc
service epld restart
Reference: http://parallels.com
Recommended firewall setup for Ensim Pro for Linux
The following is the list of ports used by Ensim Pro for Linux that need to be open if the server is installed behind a firewall.
TCP Port Service
20 FTP Data
21 FTP
22 SSH
23 Telnet
25 Sendmail SMTP
53 DNS
110 POP3
143 IMAP
443 SSL
783 Spamassassin
3306 MySQL
19638 Control panel
UDP Port Service
Setting up sendmail over SSL on Ensim Pro Control Panel for Linux
Login as root on your Ensim Pro Control Panel for Linux box
Backup your current sendmail conf file
cp /etc/mail/sendmail.cf /etc/mail/sendmail.cf.bak
Prepare sendmail’s certificate
cd /usr/share/ssl/certs
make sendmail.pem
You will be prompted with several questions typical for SSL certificate generation)
Backup /usr/lib/opcenter/sendmail/install/sendmail.mc file
cp /usr/lib/opcenter/sendmail/install/sendmail.mc /usr/lib/opcenter/sendmail/install/sendmail.mc.bak
Edit /usr/lib/opcenter/sendmail/install/sendmail.mc file
vi /usr/lib/opcenter/sendmail/install/sendmail.mc
Uncomment the following lines to point to your generated certificate
Add DAEMON_OPTIONS to make sendmail listen on port 465
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtp,Addr=, Name=MTA’)dnl
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=smtps, Name=SSLMTA, M=s’)dnl
Rebuild sendmail conf file
m4 /usr/lib/opcenter/sendmail/install/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
Restart sendmail
/sbin/service sendmail restart
You can check if sendmail is listening on 465 port by issuing command
Reference: http://parallels.com
During upgrade, the following message is displayed: check_hostname Error
The file /etc/hosts should contain the host name and IP address of your server. If it does not, use an editor to modify the file.
Example localhost.localdomain localhost ensim.mydomain.com ensim
Where is the IP address of ensim.mydomain.com
Requirements for upgrading Ensim Control Panel
File system EXT3
Important: Quotas may not function as intended if you use other file systems.
Disk space At least 40 GB
Disk space partitioning:
/ 5 GB or more
(assuming minimum disk space of 40 GB)
/usr 5 GB or more
/swap Twice the size of RAM
The size of the partitions can vary in proportion to the size of the disk space.
/var 4 GB or more
/home 20 GB or more (depending on the number of sites you want to host)
Important: Do not create /home/virtual on a separate partition. The Site Administrator dashboard reports incorrect disk usage if the directory is created on a separate partition.