Archive for the tag 'EasyApache3'


EasyApache3 Saving Custom Options

EasyApache3 Saving Custom Options

Every time Apache is rebuilt, its current configuration is stored as Previously Saved Config, in both the command line and WHM EasyApache interfaces. However, you may still want to store your custom configuration for later use.

To store custom options, you should save the configuration with a file name, display name, and description. You can accomplish this under step 6 in EasyApache, by filling in the required information and clicking Save and build or Save only (Do NOT build). Using the Save only (Do NOT build) button can be useful if you would like to create a profile for a different server.

The custom profile is saved to the


directory on your server, and automatically given the filename extension .yaml.


EasyApache3 and Mod SuPHP

EasyApache3 and Mod SuPHP

This module is the replacement for EasyApache 1’s PHPSuexec patches. This module provides an easy way of running PHP as the owner of the VirtualHost who is serving the request.

If you have already running Apache with mod_so (DSO-support), mod_suphp should have been installed to your Apache server automatically.

If it is not working look for the two lines

LoadModule suphp_module /usr/lib/httpd/

and in your “httpd.conf”.

AddModule mod_suphp.c