Archive for the tag 'Dovecot'

To Convert from vm-pop3d to Dovecot on Directadmin

To convert to dovecot from wu-imap or vm-pop3d, you can follow the steps given below

The “wu-imap” and “vm-pop3d” are in “mbox” format. The “Dovecot” is using the “Maildir” format.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
./build update
./build update_dovecot
./build dovecot
./build todovecot

Make sure that you do not stop the “todovecot” command as it can break the whole email system. It can take a long time to convert everything but do not stop it half way through.

Also, make sure that everything is working fine after the conversion.

You can clean the old “mbox” files by typing:

echo “action=delete&value=mbox” >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue