Enable SpamAssassin on your DirectAdmin server
To enable Spamassassin on your server, you need to first need to install it. Once installed a few minor changes are needed in your /etc/exim.conf file.
1) Install spamd and spamc:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts
2) Start the spamd
/usr/bin/spamd -d -c -m 15
Source : http://directadmin.com
To Convert from vm-pop3d to Dovecot on Directadmin
To convert to dovecot from wu-imap or vm-pop3d, you can follow the steps given below
The “wu-imap” and “vm-pop3d” are in “mbox” format. The “Dovecot” is using the “Maildir” format.
cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
./build update
./build update_dovecot
./build dovecot
./build todovecot
Make sure that you do not stop the “todovecot” command as it can break the whole email system. It can take a long time to convert everything but do not stop it half way through.
Also, make sure that everything is working fine after the conversion.
You can clean the old “mbox” files by typing:
echo “action=delete&value=mbox” >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
How to upgrade apache in a directadmin server
For upgrading apache from 1.3.39 to Apache 2.0.63, just login to the server and run following commands/scripts.
#cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
#./build update
#./build clean
#./build update_data_ap2
#./build convert
#./build apache_2
#./build php_ap2 n
#./build mod_frontpage_ap2
#./build mod_perl_ap2
DirectAdmin Apache Update
Check the current version of apache by running.
Update apache to the most recent, run the following:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
./build clean
./build update
./build apache_mod_ssl
If you’re using apache 2.x, use “./build apache_2″ instead of apache_mod_ssl.
Once the update has completed, you’ll need to restart apache.
Can’t login to DirectAdmin on port 2222
1. DirectAdmin might not be running or
2. You have a firewall blocking port 2222.
In case issue 2ยบ is the one affecting you,
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 2222 -j ACCEPT
Check your /var/log/directadmin/error.log to check for any errors as to why it isn’t starting:
tail /var/log/directadmin/error.log
Common problems are:
1. Incorrect ethernet_dev set in the /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf file. guide
2. Invalid license, either due to wrong uid/lid, IP, or date. Try: Updating your DirectAdmin License manually
3. Binaries for a different operating system.
You can always try running DirectAdmin by hand (if it’s not already running) to see what the problem is.
cd /usr/local/directadmin
./directadmin b200