Archive for the tag 'Data'


Rebuilding RRD Data Files

Rebuilding RRD Data Files

RRD files can be regenerated from the various summary files by using the /usr/local/cpanel/bin/rebuildbwrrd utility.

The utility can regenerate the data for a specific user or all users. This utility accepts the following parameters:

–all - Process all users on the system.

–dir={path} - Used to specify the location of the RRD summary files and where to create the new RRD files. If not specified, uses /var/cpanel/bandwidth.

–gid={#} - The number specified with this parameter is used to set the GID on any created files. If not specified, the program uses the GID of the existing data files.

prefix - The user or domain to process.

Plesk Panel Importing Data From Linux/Unix-based Servers

To transfer your data using the data import function:

1. Locate the following folders on your Parallels Plesk Panel 9 server, and copy all files from them to a single directory on the server, from which you want to transfer data.

On Linux/Unix platforms, you need to copy all files from the following folders:

[parallels_plesk_panel_installation_directory]/PMM/Agents/PleskX/ and [parallels_plesk_panel_installation_directory]/PMM/Agents/shared.

2. On the source server, run the utility with the appropriate command line options:

To make a copy of all data, issue the command –dump-all

Once all the required files are created, open the file content-list.xml to see what files were created. Move all these files, including dump.xml, to the destination server.
In a Web browser, log in as administrator to your Parallels Plesk Panel, go to Home > Migration Manager (in the Help & Support group), and then click Start Migration.
Select the option Transfer data already processed by the migration agent and located on the local host.
In the Migration data file location box, type the path to the directory where you saved the data. Click Next >>.