Archive for the tag 'Cpanel/WHM'

Installing PostgreSQL on Your cPanel/WHM Server

cPanel requires PostgreSQL 7.3.x or later.

First step is to update cpanel using /scripts/upcp from command line while logged in as root. If you have PostgreSQL 7.2.x installed, back up your databases using pg_dumpall.

Move your existing PostgreSQL data directory somewhere else by, for example, typing the following command:

mv /var/lib/pgsql /var/lib/pgsql.old

Type the following command:


From WHM now select Postgres Config in the SQL Services section of WHM. Type a new PostgreSQL password in the text box and click Change Password.

Setting up a remote MySQL server for cPanel/WHM server.

You can change the MySQL server from the local server (”localhost”) to point to a remote server.

This allows MySQL functions to be performed by another computer.

To set up a remote MySQL server:

1.Click on the Setup Remote MySQL server link.
2.Enter the name of the remote server in the Remote Mysql Host field and its password in the Remote Mysql Host’s Root Password field.
Note: Do not enter the root password for the remote MySQL server in the Remote Mysql Host’s Root Password field.
3.Click on the Setup button.

cPanel/WHM Update and Service Status Logs


Contains all output from each upcp. Named with the timestamp from which the upcp process was executed.

Service Status Logs


The service monitoring daemon (chkservd) logs all service checks here. Failed services are represented with a [-], and active are represented with [+].


Cpanel/WHM ways to configure PHP

Cpanel/WHM ways to configure PHP

DSO — Provides PHP through or (aka, mod_php). This option is usually the fastest way to execute PHP requests; however, this option uses the system user called “nobody” to serve all PHP requests.

suPHP — Provides PHP through mod_suphp. Using this option is probably the most flexible way of serving PHP requests and is generally very secure. Under this option, PHP scripts will be executed by the user who owns the VirtualHost serving the request.

FCGI — This option serves PHP through mod_fcgid. This is a fast way of serving PHP requests but will most likely require that you tweak php.conf. You can enable suEXEC to execute PHP scripts under the user who owns the VirtualHost that is serving the request or, if suEXEC is disabled, PHP will be served by the system user ‘nobody’.


cPHulk software with Cpanel/WHM

cPHulk software with Cpanel/WHM

cPHulk is a small program that will run in the background of your server to prevent people from using a brute force attack to compromise your machine.

While doing - WHM Initial Setup

To enable and configure cPHulk:

1. Click the Enable cPHulk checkbox.
2. Use the checkboxes to determine:

Whether to extend lockout time for each additional failure past the limit.
Whether you will receive notifications when a brute force attack is detected.

3. You may access cPHulk’s advanced settings by clicking the Configure Advanced Settings checkbox. Using the advanced settings you can:

Specify the number of minutes you would like to block the IP address of a potentially malicious user (in the IP Based Brute Force Protection Period in minutes field).
Specify the number of minutes to lock an account (in the Brute Force Protection in minutes field).

Specify the maximum number of failed authentication attempts allowed by an account (in the Maximum Failures By Account field).

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