Archive for the tag 'cpanel'


cPanel & WHM Version Number

cPanel & WHM Version Number

The version number:

The first and second segments still represent the parent and major values. (These are unchanged.)
The third segment no longer consists of an auto-incremented build ID number. It now represents a milestone—a group of changes to cPanel & WHM that will include new features and bug fixes.
The fourth segment is the auto-incrementing build ID. This value is relative to the milestone. When the milestone is achieved, the third segment will be incremented and the build ID will reset to 0.

For example, in version

11” is the parent number.
29” is the major version number.
1” is the cPanel & WHM milestone.
4” is the build ID leading up to the completion of the milestone.

This version number would be reported in the cPanel & WHM user interfaces as “11.29.1 (build 4).”


Create a partial backup cpanel

Create a partial backup cpanel

To back up a portion of your site:

*Select Backup from the first page.
*Select the portion of your site to back up by clicking Home Directory, MySQL Databases, or Email Forwarders & Filters.
*Click the appropriate link or button on the following page to store the required information to your computer or web server.

The type of the backup file will depend on what portion of your site you are saving to your computer. For a list of backups and their corresponding file types, see the table below.

Part of Site File Type |
Home Directory *.tar.gz
Email Forwarders *.net, *.com
Email Filters *.net, *.com
SQL Database *.sql


PHP Memcache Extension with cpanel

PHP Memcache Extension with cpanel

Download the latest stable version of memcache from

Download and Install

tar xvf memcache-2.2.5.tgz
cd memcache-2.2.5
./configure && make && make install

Update php.ini Configuration

Create an empty file called test.php and place this in it the php info.

Determine what php.ini file is configured.

root@host [~/php]# php -f test.php | grep “Loaded Configuration File”
Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/lib/php.ini

The cPanel WHM MX Editor interfaces

The cPanel WHM MX Editor interfaces

The cPanel and WHM MX Editor interfaces and subsystems received an update in cPanel™ 11.25.

This changed for cPanel™ 11.25. There are now the following options to configure how mail is to be handled by the local server:

• Automatically Detect MX Configuration

• Local Mail Exchanger

• Backup Mail Exchanger

• Remote Mail Exchanger

These options are presented in the Email Routing section of the MX Entry cPanel™ interface. A bried decription of each option appears in the cPanel™ interface. The description includes how the option will change the way the local system handles email for the domain being modified. This setting may be changed independently from the action of modifying a MX record.

Modifying the Email Routing for domain changes, or adds, an entry to the cPanel™ user file, normally in /var/cpanel/users.

Localization cPanel™ 11.25 new localization system

cPanel™ 11.25 comes with a new localization system: Cpanel::Locale. This new system simplifies the translation and localization of cPanel, WHM, themes and command line applications. Cpanel::Locale is backwards-compatible with existing translation methods and language files.

Cpanel::Locale uses an XML format for inetroperability. Two new interfaces in WHM make provision for importing and exporting a locale using XML.

Languages are now identified in the system by the two-letter ISO 639 [] code. Territory-specific languages are indicated by the two-letter ISO 639 [] code, followed by an underscore, then the two-letter ISO 3166 [] code. See Example 7, “ISO 639 + 3166 Example”

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