Archive for the tag 'configuration'


The LVM Configuration Files

The LVM Configuration Files

LVM supports multiple configuration files. At system startup, the lvm.conf configuration file is loaded from the directory specified by the environment variable LVM_SYSTEM_DIR, which is set to /etc/lvm by default.

The lvm.conf file can specify additional configuration files to load. Settings in later files override settings from earlier ones. To display the settings in use after loading all the configuration files, execute the lvm dumpconfig command.

The following files are used for LVM configuration:

Central configuration file read by the tools.

For each host tag, an extra configuration file is read if it exists: lvm_hosttag.conf.

Pure-FTPd FTP Configuration WHM

Pure-FTPd FTP Configuration WHM

Version 1.0.22 and higher of this popular FTP daemon allows the administrator to enforce TLS encryption on both the command and data channels of an FTP session. The FTP Server Configuration interface in WHM is updated to provide access to this feature.

The Broken Clients Compatibility directive is added to the WHM FTP Server Configuration interface. When enabled, this directive causes Pure-FTPd to ignore parts of the FTP protocol standards, to improve compatability with some buggy FTP clients and firewalls.


Directives for Apache Configuration

Directives for Apache Configuration

Directives used by the Prefork MPM are available in the configuration interface found at
WHM >> Service Configuration >> Apache Configuration >> Global Configuration.

These directives include:

• MinSpareServers

• MaxSpareServers

• MaxClients

• MaxRequestsPerChild

Restrict File Uploads in PHP configuration

Restricting all file uploads is an easy way to completely prevent attackers from exploiting your PHP configuration to inject their own PHP scripts. However, some developers will want to include the ability to upload files to your server via PHP. If you must allow file uploads, you should change the default temporary directory for file uploads using the upload_tmp_dir parameter.

Many administrators also choose to limit the maximum file size users can upload using the upload_max_filesize parameter. Setting this parameter is generally not intended to improve the security of your PHP configuration. Administrators choose to set this parameter to help manage the server’s PHP load.

Processing the cPanel Apache Configuration

Processing Apache’s configuration file is completed in 2 routines.

1. The first routine attempts to extract VirtualHost domain information and combine it will other cPanel data, in effect creating “user data.” This information is used in mapping domains to user accounts. This particular task is carried out by the userdata_update utility (/usr/local/cpanel/bin/userdata_update).

If you wish to make custom alterations you would need to run /usr/local/cpanel/bin/userdata_update –update.

2. The second routine attempts to pull out the remaining information within each VirtualHost entry. Some of this information is version-specific and requires the Apache directive-aware tool /usr/local/cpanel/bin/apache_conf_distiller. This is the same tool that processes Apache’s main directives and generates the main Apache template.


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