Archive for the tag 'Changing'

Webmin behaves differently depending on the operating system or Linux distribution that you have installed, and the particular version that you are running.

The correct OS is always automatically detected at installation time or provided by the installer, but it is quite possible that your system may be upgraded during the lifetime of the system.

If this happens, Webmin will not automatically detect the upgrade - you must tell it by following these steps :

  1. Click on the Operating System and Environment icon on the module’s main page.
  2. Select your Unix vendor and version from the New operating system list.
  3. Hit the Save button to have Webmin start using it.

The operating system and version detected at installation time determines the default values for module configurations, as each flavor of Unix uses different locations and formats for the various config files that Webmin manages.

However, changing your OS by following the steps above will not adjust any of these configuration settings. Instead, it will just determine which ones are used for modules installed in future. Usually this is not a problem, as most OS upgrades will not change the locations of files and programs.

However, some modules may need to be manually configured after an upgrade - for example, you may need to change the print system used by the Printer Administration module if the old OS version used LPRng and the new version uses CUPS.

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