Archive for the tag 'binaries'

Permission denied error, while executing Nagios binaries

Nagios provides enterprise-class Open Source monitoring of hosts and services.

Make sure that the Nagios user has correct ownership/permissions to Nagios files in the Nagios installation directory.

Check if SElinux is enabled. If it is enabled, the Nagios binaries won’t be executed.

There are 3 alternative solutions for this.

1) Disable SElinux, SELINUX=disable.

2) Make it execute non-built-in services like Nagios by setting, SELINUX=permissive. This would cause the binaries to execute with only warnings logged to /var/log/messages.

If you go for the fix 1 or 2, you would need to reboot the server once.

3) You can change the security context of the Nagios binaries and make them executable with SElinux enabled.

chcon -t sbin_t /usr/local/nagios/sbin
chcon -R -t sbin_t /usr/local/nagios/sbin/