Archive for the tag 'Apache'

Apache crash during high load in Ensim Pro Control Panel

Apache crash on high load with the following error in the error log: “(28) No space left on device: mod_python: Failed to create global mutex 1 of 4 exclog: signal received 15″

The problem may be caused by small number of semaphores in system.

Resolution is to increase number of semaphores.

To increase the number of semaphores please take the following steps, Login to your PPCPL server as root. Open the /etc/sysctl.conf file using a text editor

vi /etc/sysctl.conf

Locate the kernel.sem parameter and double current values

If the parameter is not defined in the /etc/sysctl.conf file you can obtain current values by executing the following command:

cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem

After obtaining current values, double them and add to the /etc/sysctl.conf file so that the line looks like.

kernel.sem = 512 32000 100 512

Execute sysctl in order the changes to take effect

sysctl –p

Apache crash during high load with Parallels Pro Control Panel

Apache crash on high load with the following error in the error log: “No space left on device:” The problem may be caused by small number of semaphores in system. To increase the number of semaphores please take the following steps:

Login to your PPCPL server as root. Open the /etc/sysctl.conf file using a text editor

vi /etc/sysctl.conf

Locate the kernel.sem parameter and double current values. If the parameter is not defined in the /etc/sysctl.conf file you can obtain current values by executing the following command:

cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem

After obtaining current values, double them and add to the /etc/sysctl.conf file so that the line looks like

kernel.sem = 512 32000 100 512

Please note, values for your installation may varry. Execute sysctl in order the changes to take effect.

sysctl –p

Control the MaxClients setting in Apache

A webserver should never ever have to swap, as swapping increases the latency of each request.

You can, and should, control the  MaxClients* setting so that your server does not spawn so many children it starts swapping. This procedure for doing this is simple: determine the size of your average Apache process, by looking at your process list via a tool such as top, and divide this into your total available memory, leaving some room for other processes.

*MaxClients [Maximum number of connections that will be processed simultaneously]

Adding extra modules to Apache, by compiling in DirectAdmin.

Any module that needs to be compiled in will have a –with-module type flag which will need to be used. To add this flag, run the following:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
vi configure.apache_ssl

Add your –with-module line to the end of the file, where –with-module is to be replaced with required entry for the module you’re installing.

Make sure the character exists at the end of all lines except the last one.

./build clean
./build apache_mod_ssl

Then restart apache.


For apache 2.0 use the following methods.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
./build clean
rm -f configure.*
./build update
./build update_data_ap2
./build apache_2
./buld php_ap2 n
./build mod_perl_ap2

Once the update has completed, you’ll need to restart apache:

/sbin/service httpd restart

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