Account Transfers cPanel 11.25.0 Release Feature Updates
For cPanel™ to cPanel™ transfers, the single and multiple account transfer interfaces in WHM now provide the ability to skip the home directory when packaging an account. This allows you to reduce the amount of time a transfer takes and choose a more efficient method to transfer the user’s home directory.
The cPanel™ version of the remote server is auto-detected for cPanel™-to-cPanel™ account transfers. The Remote Server Type menu in the transfer interface is updated to reflect this change.
When transferring a mixture of reseller and non-reseller accounts using the Multiple Account Transfer interface, the resellers will transer first. Prior cPanel™ versions would iterate through the users alphabetically.
How to fix Cpanel Account Permissions
Fixing file and directory permission.
find /home/*/public_html/* -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find /home/*/public_html/* -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
we can specify user by replace * with usename
To fix the permission for all the websites.
for i in `ls /var/cpanel/users` ; do chown -R $i.$i /home/$i/public_html/* ; done
Cant see the Statistics module icon in the regular account editor.
For Parallels Plesk Sitebuilder for Linux/Unix
All modules icons are there except the statistics. What should I do to be able to access it?
Login to Sitebuilder Control Panel as admin and go to the Modules -> Statistics page.
To activate statistics reporting select check box Enable statistics located in the bottom left corner of the Statistics module screen.
Also, this module is available only for regular sites. It should be accessible in the left column at the Extra step. We need to add this module into an appropriate plan in the Plan Management section.
cPanel VPS Account Creation [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Problem to create a new account on cPanel VPS server.
Create a new Account
[an error occurred while processing this directive] Notification => via EMAIL [level => 3]
Account Creation
We need to find out what Cpanel error logs shows
#tail -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log
edquota: Cannot set quota for user 543 from kernel on /dev/vzfs: No such process
edquota: Can’t write quota for 543 on /dev/vzfs: No such process
To resolve this: We need to raise the quotagidlimit from the resource tab on the hardware node.
Creating Account with wwwacct
To create hosting account for a domain through SSH use /scripts/wwwacct.
Example: is the domain name.
buddy is the user name
123abcd is the password
Now From the command Line:
/scripts/wwwacct buddy 123abcd 50 advanced n