Apache mod_userdir Tweak in WHM

mod_userdir Protection

Apache’s mod_userdir allows users to view their sites by entering a tilde(~) and their username as the uri on a specific host.

For example http://test.serverbuddies.com/~bud/ will bring up the user bud’s domain.

The disadvantage of this feature is that any bandwidth usage used by this site will be put on the domain it is accessed under (in this case test.serverbuddies.com). mod_userdir protection prevents this from happening.

We can disable it on specific virtual hosts (generally shared ssl hosts).

Main >> Security Center >> Apache mod_userdir Tweak

Repairing MySQL database form WHM.

You can attempt to repair MySQL databases using WebHost Manager.

Then function checks each table for errors and tempts to fix them.

To repair a database:

Click on the Repair a Database link in the MySQL menu.
Click on the database that you want to repair in the displayed list and click on the Repair Database button.

A status list is displayed, stating which tables have been checked and the result.

How to install or add a package in FreeBSD

To install a Port: (ImageMagick as an example)

cd /usr/ports/graphics/ImageMagick/ && make install clean

If you do not have a source of local packages (such as a FreeBSD CD-ROM set) then it will probably be easier to use the -r option to pkg_add(1). This will cause the utility to automatically determine the correct object format and release and then fetch and install the package from an FTP site.

pkg_add -r lsof

The example above would download the correct package and add it without any further user intervention.

pkg_info(1) is a utility that lists and describes the various packages installed.

To remove a previously installed software package, use the pkg_delete(1) utility.

pkg_delete xchat-1.7.1

Establishing a trust relationship and synchronize DNS records.

We can establish a master/primary nameserver relationship at server setup level. If you do set up a primary nameserver, we need to establish a trust relationship between the two servers so that you can add all DNS entries from the primary nameserver. This saves you having to log on to multiple servers to set up various DNS entries.

To establish a trust relationship with a primary nameserver.

1.Click on the Establish A Trust Relationship With a Primary Nameserver link in the DNS Functions menu.
2.Enter the root password for the trusted nameserver in the Master Server Root Password field.

Once you have established a trust relationship with a primary nameserver, you will need to synchronize the DNS records between the primary and secondary nameservers after you have added new DNS entries.

To synchronize DNS records with the primary nameserver:

1.Click on the Synchronize DNS Records with Primary Nameserver link in the DNS Functions menu.

Setting up a remote MySQL server for cPanel/WHM server.

You can change the MySQL server from the local server (”localhost”) to point to a remote server.

This allows MySQL functions to be performed by another computer.

To set up a remote MySQL server:

1.Click on the Setup Remote MySQL server link.
2.Enter the name of the remote server in the Remote Mysql Host field and its password in the Remote Mysql Host’s Root Password field.
Note: Do not enter the root password for the remote MySQL server in the Remote Mysql Host’s Root Password field.
3.Click on the Setup button.

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