How to include the crond service to chkservd
First we need to create a crond file under the chkservd.d directory where all the services files are placed:
Add the following line to the file:
service[crond]=x,x,x,/etc/init.d/crond restart,crond,root
Now we need to edit the chkservd configuration file and enable the crond service for monitoring
vi /etc/chkserv.d/chkservd.conf
add the following line at the end of the file
Restart the chkservd service for the new changes to take affect:
/scripts/restartsrv chkservd
Stop the service manually and watch chkservd logs to verify auto-restart.
service crond stop; tail -f /var/log/chkservd.log
You should notice that the crond service is restarted automatically.
Tags: chkservd, crond, include, service
Creating Account with wwwacct
To create hosting account for a domain through SSH use /scripts/wwwacct.
Example: is the domain name.
buddy is the user name
123abcd is the password
Now From the command Line:
/scripts/wwwacct buddy 123abcd 50 advanced n
Tags: Account, Creating, wwwacct
chkservd service monitor
chkservd is a service running on Cpanel servers. chkservd service monitors other service, if any of the service that is monitored by chkservd is found down, chkservd will restart the service and notify server admin
You can start, stop chkservd with following commands
service chkservd start
service chkservd stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/chkservd start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/chkservd stop
cPanel offers ‘chkservd’, a monitoring daemon that monitors the services on the server and restart them if found offline.
Tags: chkservd, monitor, service
How to access psa database in Plesk Server
We can access plesk psa database, from the Linux command line (via ssh) and from the Plesk control panel.
The /etc/psa/.psa.shadow file contains the Plesk admin password.
So to access the database run the following command.
mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`
Select the psa database.
To view all the tables
Tags: Access, database, plesk, psa, server
Localdomains and remotedomains in cPanel Server.
Problem : A user that pointed their MX records to another server but email from their website or users on the same server isn’t going out of the server.
This is because Exim on the server is configured to use files called localdomains and remotedomains, which tell Exim whether a domain’s email is hosted locally or remotely.
The files controlling these actions are:
/etc/localdomains: email hosted locally
/etc/remotedomains: email hosted remotely
* The remotedomains file takes precedence, so if a domain is located in both files, the mail server should use remotedomains.
Common Errors:
*Email from the user’s site is not being delivered to their outside mail server - add the domain to remotedomains
*lowest numbers MX record points to localhost - adding the domain to localdomains will resolve the issue.
*Email bouncing stating the user does not exist - add the domain to remotedomains
Tags: cpanel, Localdomains, remotedomains, server