Installing Horde in Direct Admin
You can use the following steps to install Horde in a Direct Admin server.
1. First check whether IMAP module is enabled in PHP, if not recompile PHP with IMAP support.
Add the following entries.
–with-imap=/usr/local –with-imap-ssl
$ /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build php n
If you are doing the installation in a VPS, sometimes you might get the following error:
To fix this error install the libc-client-devel package
Now download the horde install script for DirectAdmin and install it.
$ tar -zxvf horde_install.tar.gz
$ sh horde_install/
This will install Horde in the server. Now you can access the Horde webmail using the URL
If you get the following error when accessing Horde through browser,
then do the following:
mysql > grant all privileges on da_horde.* to da_horde@localhost identified by “PASSWORD”;
mysql > flush privileges;
mysql >\q
3. If you would like to access the Horde using the URL do the following :
First add an A record for Then add the following VirtualHost entry in the /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf file and restart httpd service.
<VirtualHost IP1:80 \
ServerName webmail
ServerAlias webmail.*
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/horde
$ service httpd restart
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