Archive for the 'Webmin Support' Category


Webmin In A Virtual Host Via A Proxy

This method can also be used to make Webmin accessible via an Apache virtual host, like

The steps to follow are :

Make sure mod_proxy is installed on your Apache webserver.

Add a virtual host to your Apache configuration file like:

<VirtualHost _default_>
ProxyPass / http://localhost:10000/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:10000/
<Proxy *>
allow from all

In /etc/webmin/config, add the line referer=apachehost, where apachehost is the hostname from the URL used to access Webmin via Apache.

If the referer line already has some hosts listed, add apachehost to it.

Re-start Apache to apply the configuration.

No changes need to be made to /etc/webmin/config, because no prefix is appended to the URL path.


What is Usermin?

What is Usermin?

Usermin is a web-based interface for webmail, password changing, mail filters, fetchmail and much more.

It is designed for use by regular non-root users on a Unix system, and limits them to tasks that they would be able to perform if logged in via SSH or at the console.

Most users of Usermin are sysadmins looking for a simple webmail interface to offer their customers. Unlike most other webmail solutions, it can be used to change passwords, read email with no additional servers installed (like IMAP or POP3), and setup users’ Procmail configurations for forwarding, spam filtering and autoreponders.

Usermin also provides web interfaces for viewing and managing data in MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, editing Apache .htaccess configuration files, and running commands on the server.

The administrator has full control over which of these modules are available to users.

By far the easiest way to configure Usermin is via the Usermin Configuration module in Webmin.

All functionality can be managed via a browser, and because both products come from the same developer the management user interface is always up to date.

How to setup a cron job

This tutorial covers how to setup a Cron job. Cron is a service for executing scheduled commands.

It assumes you have first logged into Virtualmin.

Click Webmin on the top-left.

Click Services.

Click Scheduled Cron Jobs.

Click Create a new scheduled cron job.

Choose the user to run as, and input the username in Execute cron job as. To run as the administrative user, input root .

Enter the command to run into the Command field. For example, if you want to receive a list of all running processes, enter ps auxw for the command.

Normally, you can skip Input to command. That’s only used if your command requires input after it begins running.

Choose how frequently to run your command. By default, it will execute Hourly, meaning it will execute at the top of the hour, every hour.

To enable the Cron job, click Create.

Any output will be emailed to the root user.


How to log into Usermin Webmail

How to log into Usermin Webmail

Taken from :

In this tutorial, we will go over how to log into the Usermin Webmail interface.

Open your web browser, such as Firefox or Internet Explorer.

In the address bar at the top of your browser, browse to the following address:

Where is your server’s domain name.

Once you have entered the address above, hit enter to go to the Usermin Login screen.

Enter the username you were given in the Username field.

Enter your password in the password field.

Click Login, and you will be logged into Usermin.

You can see a list of mail folders, as well as other options, on the left.

The contents of the current folder (your Inbox, by default) will be displayed on the right.

If you require further Usermin/Virtualmin documentation please visit the following link,


How to log in to Virtualmin

How to log in to Virtualmin

In this tutorial, we will go over how to log into the Virtualmin control panel.

Open your web browser, such as Firefox or Internet Explorer.

In the address bar at the top of your browser, browse to the following address:

Where is your server’s domain name.

Once you have entered the address above, hit enter to go to the Virtualmin Login screen.

Enter the username you were given in the Username field. If you’re logging in as the master administrator, use root as the username.

Enter your password in the password field.

Click Login, and you will be logged into Virtualmin.

You can see available tasks you can perform within Virtualmin on the navigation bar on your left.

On the right, you can see the System Information screen, giving you a system overview of resource usage and other server details.

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