Archive for the 'Plesk Support' Category

How to set up the admin’s password using CLI After Installation

When Parallels Plesk Panel is installed, a random password is generated for the user ‘admin’, which replaces the old scheme when the same default password was used on all installations. This change was done to protect servers with freshly installed Panel from hacking by bots that use the default password.

After the installation is finished, you can set the admin’s password being authenticated in the Panel with credentials of the server system power user, that is “root” on Linux systems.

The admin’s password can be set up during the Panel initialization (this is the best way), or afterwards.

Issue the following command (you should have the power user privileges):

On Linux/Unix:

PSA_PASSWORD=[new_password] /usr/local/psa/bin/init_conf –set-admin-password -passwd


How to check Apache Modules Switched Off in VPS-Optimized Mode

The list of the modules can vary depending on the operating system distribution and architecture. When Parallels Plesk Panel is installed and the optimized mode is switched on, you can check the list in the following files:

* On 32-bit operating systems -


* On 64-bit operating systems -


Optimizing Parallels Plesk Panel in VPS

This makes the Panel use less memory than other control panels available on the market, which ensures better utilization of hardware resources and increased density of virtual environments per server.

If you deploy Parallels Plesk Panel in Parallels Virtuozzo Containers for Linux, consider switching the Panel to a special mode of operation - optimized for virtual environments.

The mode switches off InnoDB engine in MySQL database server, and Apache web server modules that are not critical for hosting services.

The only disadvantages of using the optimized mode are as follows:

* Web applications requiring InnoDB will not work.
* Perl, python and ASP scripts will not work because the required Apache modules will be switched off.
* PHP will be available only through CGI.

Note: It is not applicable to the Panel installations upgraded from earlier versions.


Script for installing Parallels Installer binary from a network location.

This sample script is applicable in cases when the Parallels Installer binary is obtained directly from a network location (the sample URL should be substituted with a valid installer download link).



for current_server in $SERVERS_LIST; do

ssh -f root@$current_server ‘wget -o parallels_installer;chmod 755 ./parallels_installer;./parallels_installer –source –target /tmp/panel –select-release-id PLESK_10_0_0 –install-component base –install-component postgresql –install-component spamassassin –notify-email’

Implementation and Execution of an installation script.

Script below is applicable in cases when Parallels Installer is previously uploaded to the target server and the execution bit is set in its permissions.

for current_server in $SERVERS_LIST; do
scp parallels_installer root@$current_server:
ssh -f root@$current_server “parallels_installer –source –target /tmp/panel –select-release-id PLESK_10_0_0 –install-component base –install-component postgresql –install-component asp –notify-email”

To avoid being prompted for password each time you connect via SSH to the servers where the Panel should be installed, place your public key to the list of authorized keys of a user on whose behalf the script is run on each server.


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