Archive for the 'Ensim Support' Category

How to add a cron job for a domain in Ensim

Login to the server as ‘root’ user via SSH

Do a ’sitelookup’ for the domain

$ sitelookup -d wp_user

This will return the admin user name of the domain in the server, say ‘admin##’


$ crontab -u admin## -e

Enter the corresponding cron, save and exit

Restart the crond service.

$ service crond restart

Ensim Installer

How to get Ensim Installer.

Obtaining the Installer Script

You can obtain the installer script from the FTP server or from the download page.

To perform an attended installation:

1. Access the installer script as described in Obtaining the Installer Script section.
2. Run the installer script by typing the following command at the prompt. For key script options, see the command options. Use the –help option with the script to learn more about the various command line options you can use with the script.

  1. python -n admin -p passwd -m

To perform an unattended installation:

1. Access the installer script as described in Obtaining the Installer Script section.
2. Run the script with the –assume-yes option. The –assume-yes option sets the value yes to installation queries that require a yes or no response. For key script options, see the command options. Use the –help option with the script to learn more about the various command line options you can use with the script.

  1. python -nadmin -ppasswd -m –assume-yes

To display the current root password for the mysql server running Ensim Panel you can use the following command logged on SSH as root,

  1. ensim-python -c "import sys;sys.path.append(\"/usr/lib/opcenter/mysql\");import mysqlbe;print mysqlbe.read_mysqlpass()"

DB function failed with error number 1
Can’t create/write to file ‘/var/lib/mysql/#sql_25dd_0.MYI’ (Errcode: 13) SQL=SELECT p.*, AS editor, AS groupname FROM jos_plugins AS
p LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u ON = p.checked_out LEFT JOIN jos_groups AS g ON = p.access WHERE p.client_id = 0 GROUP BY ORDER BY
p.folder , p.ordering ASC LIMIT 0, 50


mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ’show fields from `admins`’: Can’t create/write to file ‘/var/lib/mysql/#sql_25dd_0.MYI’ (Errcode: 13) (1)

If you get any of the errors showed above while browsing your Ensim Panel is a straight symptom that your server is experiencing a MySQL permission issue, to correct this type the command below,

  1. # chmod g+w /var/lib/mysql

The following post will explain HOW-TO install Zend Optimizer on a Ensim PRO server and have it enabled for the current and new domains.

1. Download Zend Optimizer.

  1. cp /etc/php.ini /etc/php.ini.backup
  2. cd /usr/local/src
  3. wget
  4. tar zxvf ZendOptimizer*
  5. cd ZendOptimizer*
  6. ./install

You’ll be asked the following questions, answer them with the following:

#Specify the location where to install Zend Optimizer:


#Confirm the location of your php.ini file:


#Are you using the Apache webserver?


#Specify the Apache configuration directory:


#The install script should now detect the right Version of PHP.

Choose “Yes” to proceed.

#Specify the Apache bin directory:


After that, your php.ini is automatically relocated to /usr/local/Zend/etc and a symlink is created.

#Do you want to restart Apache Webserver

Choose “No”.

#Restart Apache

  1. service httpd restart

Zend Optimizer should be fully installed by now.
After installing Zend Optimizer copy it to the high security site:

  1. cp -r /usr/local/Zend/ /home/virtual/site#/fst/usr/local/Zend/

Now lets load it in:

  1. pico -w /home/virtual/site#/fst/etc/php.ini

On the bottom paste this:

  1. [Zend]
  2. zend_optimizer.optimization_level=15
  3. zend_extension_manager.optimizer=/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer-3.3.0
  4. zend_extension_manager.optimizer_ts=/usr/local/Zend/lib/Optimizer_TS-3.3.0
  5. zend_optimizer.version=3.3.0a
  6. zend_extension=/usr/local/Zend/lib/
  7. zend_extension_ts=/usr/local/Zend/lib/

Save the file and exit.

2. Once you save that file, create tar file using following command.

# tar cf virtDomain.tar /usr/local/Zend (Assuming that Zend has been installed at default location - /usr/local/Zend)

3.Copy this tarball to /etc/appliance/customization

4.Download the custom script named and and upload it to /etc/appliance/customization

  1. cd /etc/appliance/customization
  2. wget
  3. wget

Note : you need to replace Zend Extension part with one copied from /usr/local/Zend/etc/php.ini in the attached scripts.


  1. chmod 755 /etc/appliance/customization/
  2. chmod 755 /etc/appliance/customization/

Now all new domain created on server with any security level will be Zend enabled. If you want existing domain with high security to be zend enabled then you just need to re-save the site from Webppliance.

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