MailScanner + ClamAV causing high load on Ensim Pro for Linux
Ensim Control Panel by default has the clamavmodule setting in MailScanner configuration, this was causing high loads on the server. This was also due to the MailScanner + ClamAV versions installed on the server not being compatible with each other.
To address this we are providing the rpms for the latest compatible versions of these two softwares with clamav setting which is less resource hungry as compared to the clamavmodule.
Downloads From::
32bit OS
64bit OS
Installation Procedure:
1. Get the RPMs from the locations mentioned above.
2. Upgrade the RPMs (rpm -Uvh *.rpm)
3. sh
Ensim Power Tools
Power Tools are off-the-shelf Web applications that provide e-commerce, content management, forums, chat and other dynamic features for Web sites.
1. Download the Ensim Power Tools Installer.
NOTE: please be sure to upload this to your server using binary mode transfer, otherwise you will receive an md5sum failure.
2. Untar the tarball and go to the folders: Power-Tools/zion-beta and Power-Tools/zion-1.5
3. For each RPM, run the following:
rpm -qa | grep [power-tool-name-version]
4. If the output of this command is non-blank, run the following:
In order to synchronize updated services (RPMs) into all site file systems, you need to take Parallels Pro through its “maintenance mode” state which causes it to update the sites. Run the following steps:
Upgrade, or reinstall, any RPM.
Run the following command as root:
Advanced usage: If you want to add a new RPM to any service, edit the appropriate .sh file for that service in /etc/virtualhosting/filelists/.sh. Follow the instructions included in that file. After editing the file, make Parallels Pro Control Panel go through maintenance mode.
The latest CentOS 5.3/RHEL 5.3 updates for openssh (openssh-4.3p2-36) introduce the dependency on the library supplied by fipscheck-1.0.3-1 RPM, but this RPM is missing in default file system template for ssh.
Log in as root to your PPCPL box.
Open the /etc/virtualhosting/filelists/ file using a text editor:
vi /etc/virtualhosting/filelists/
Make sure that the file looks like:
$RPM_BIN -q nss nspr > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
cat <<EOF
Site import results in the “overflow” error
This is not a Parallels Pro Control Panel-related issue, but a Python bug.
Resolution :
Please refer the above url for more detailed information and apply the provided solution to your system.
Reference :