Archive for August, 2011

Localization cPanel™ 11.25 new localization system

cPanel™ 11.25 comes with a new localization system: Cpanel::Locale. This new system simplifies the translation and localization of cPanel, WHM, themes and command line applications. Cpanel::Locale is backwards-compatible with existing translation methods and language files.

Cpanel::Locale uses an XML format for inetroperability. Two new interfaces in WHM make provision for importing and exporting a locale using XML.

Languages are now identified in the system by the two-letter ISO 639 [] code. Territory-specific languages are indicated by the two-letter ISO 639 [] code, followed by an underscore, then the two-letter ISO 3166 [] code. See Example 7, “ISO 639 + 3166 Example”

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