Archive for December, 2010

How can I hide information_schema database from phpMyAdmin?

By default, phpMyAdmin shows all databases available to a user. So, in addition to the databases that belong to the user, the information_schema database is also visible to them.

To hide the information_schema database from phpMyAdmin on a particular MySQL logical server, add the following line to the phpMyAdmin file:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db'] = ‘information_schema’;

Please note that this affects only phpMyAdmin, and users will still be able to use the information_schema database from other applications (for example, from the mysql command-line client).

What Happens When You Upgrade or Migrate to Panel 10

When you upgrade or migrate to Panel 10, accounts, domains, users, and domain templates are transformed according to the following schemes:

* Reseller accounts are transferred without changes, and resources are allocated to them by means of custom subscription, which are not bound to plans.

* Client accounts become customer accounts, and after upgrade or migration is finished, you need to perform either of the following operations to make sure that the accounts fit in the new business model:
o Redistribute former clients’ resources among the subscriptions belonging to them.
o Convert customers to resellers and assign the existing subscriptions to them. This can be done if the customer accounts did not belong to a reseller before upgrade or migration.

* Domains are converted to individual subscriptions. The subscriptions are assigned to the administrator, resellers, or customers, depending on whom the former domains belonged to.
* Domain administrator accounts are converted to user accounts, which are assigned to the customers who own the corresponding domains.
* Domain templates belonging to the server administrator and resellers are converted to hosting plans.
* Reseller templates are converted to reseller plans.

How to disable news in SWsoft Plesk panel

Generally Plesk News frame can be closed with Close the News button in the bottom of the frame, and this frame will not be shown anymore in the next logins to Plesk interface.

The option to hide news is independent for every Plesk account and there are no option to close news server-wide for all accounts. If it is needed to close news for accounts without logging into panel, the changes like below may be done in Plesk database, for example the changes may be done by custom script which will be called using Even Manager feature in Plesk.

The examples below are for MySQL database engine.

To hide news for Plesk admin account you should login to MySQL with:

# mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow ` psa

and run the queries:

mysql> INSERT INTO misc VALUES (’admin_news_dismissed’,3);

To hide news frame for Plesk client account (replace cl_id with an ID of needed Client, it can be known from from psa.clients table):

mysql> INSERT INTO cl_param VALUES (cl_id,’news_dismissed’,3);

To hide news frame for Plesk domain administrator account (replace dom_id with an ID of needed domain, it can be known from from table):

mysql> INSERT INTO dom_param VALUES (dom_id,’news_dismissed’,3);

To hide news frame for Plesk mail account (replace mn_id with an ID of needed mail account, it can be known from from psa.mail table):

mysql> INSERT INTO mn_param VALUES (mn_id,’news_dismissed’,3);

The value 3 in above commands means that News up to Plesk 8.2 will be hidden.

Reference :

Password Aging under Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Password aging is another technique used by system administrators to defend against bad passwords within an organization. Password aging means that after a specified period (usually 90 days), the user is prompted to create a new password. The theory behind this is that if a user is forced to change his password periodically, a cracked password is only useful to an intruder for a limited amount of time. The downside to password aging, however, is that users are more likely to write their passwords down.

There are two primary programs used to specify password aging under Red Hat Enterprise Linux: the chage command or the graphical User Manager (system-config-users) application. The -M option of the chage command specifies the maximum number of days the password is valid. For example, to set a user’s password to expire in 90 days, use the following command:

chage -M 90 [username]

In the above command, replace with the name of the user. To disable password expiration, it is traditional to use a value of 99999 after the -M option (this equates to a little over 273 years). You can also use the chage command in interactive mode to modify multiple password aging and account details. Use the following command to enter interactive mode:

chage [username]

The following is a sample interactive session using this command:

[root@buddy ~]# chage buddy

Turning the VPS-Optimized Mode on

Turning the VPS-Optimized Mode on

If you deploy Parallels Plesk Panel into VPSes other than Virtuozzo-based (Parallels Virtuozzo Containers or OpenVZ containers), consider switching the Panel to a special mode of operation - optimized for virtual environments. The mode switches off modules that are not critical for hosting services. This makes the Panel use less memory than other control panels available on the market, which ensures better utilization of hardware resources and increased density of virtual environments per server.

* During the installation, the Panel requires more RAM than it utilizes in the VPS-optimized mode.
* Since Parallels Premium Antivirus and Spamassassin are memory-consuming applications, it is not recommended to install them if you require a high VPS density.
* It is not possible to turn the VPS-optimized mode on if Customer and Business Manager is installed.

Important: The VPS-optimized mode can be turned on only before the Panel initialization (aka initial configuration).

To turn the VPS-optimized mode on, run the following command:

/usr/local/psa/bin/vps_optimized –turn-on

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