Creating a Ruby on Rails Application in Cpanel Server
Ruby on Rails runs on its own server so the setup requires a little extra work.
1. Log into cPanel.
2. Navigate to the Software/Services section of your cPanel interface.
3. Click the Ruby on Rails icon.
* This step will open the Ruby on Rails management interface.
4. Specify your application’s name in the App Name field.
* PICK Remember: To set your application to load when the server is booted, click the Load on Boot? check box.
5. Assign the application path in the Application Path field.
* note Note: If you set an application path in your public_html/ directory, your source code and configuration files can be viewed by anyone on the web.
6. Use the Environment drop-down menu to select the type of Ruby on Rails environment you wish to run.
7. Click Create.
Cpanel DNS Cluster Configuration - how it should be configured
If at all possible, you should link your web server directly to the DNS servers, you will need to sync each web server to its DNS servers.
Creating a cluster setup with direct links between servers can decrease CPU load, improving the performance of your servers. The more steps, or “hops,” between a web server and a nameserver, the slower the servers’ performance will be.
You should not set a DNS server to sync data back to a web server, as this will put extraneous data on the web server.
For each intermediate server you add, the data transfer time is 3 times slower than for a direct link.
Enabling DNS clustering on cpanel server
First, you will need to enable DNS clustering via each server’s WHM interface.
You will need to sync each web server to its DNS servers.
You do not need to link dedicated DNS servers to each other, or link dedicated web servers to each other.
You should not set a DNS server to sync data back to a web server, as this will put extraneous data on the web server.
1. Navigate to WHM’s Configure Cluster screen.
2. Click Enable Dns Clustering.
3. Click Change.
4. Click Return to Cluster Status.
DNS clustering is now enabled. Next, you will need to specify which server(s) you wish to cluster, or share DNS information with.
The Cpanel Key Server said returned 500 Request Denied - No license entry found
To resolve this issue.
Run the following script as root:
You will need to Shell (SSH) into your server and type the following;
From time to time the RubyGems repository will be unavailable. If at any point during installation process the RubyGems repository becomes unavailable, you will need to re-run
Since Ruby on Rails uses its own web server, it has to run this web server on an alternate port. This causes an issue if you are running a firewall on your system. You will need to ensure that ports 12001 and up are open. We recommend making the max number of the open ports 12001 plus whatever the number of Ruby applications you expect to be running will be.