Enabling User/Group Quota for virtual private server that already exists.
If the virtual private server already exists, run the following command to set the parameter:
vzctl set 101 –quotaugidlimit 150 –save
Where, 101 is the VPS ID number.
Restart the virtual private server.
Enabling User/Group Quota on a Virtual Private Server (VPS)
To enable user/group quota on a virtual private server:
Edit the configuration file to set the parameter QUOTAUGIDLIMIT that controls the second-level disk quota. The two instances when you can set the parameter is:
If you are setting the parameter before the creation of the virtual private server:
Go to the location of the virtual private server configuration file. /etc/sysconfig/vz-scripts
To enable disk quota set the value of QUOTAUGIDLIMIT to a positive value, in the configuration file. For example: QUOTAUGIDLIMIT=”150″
The default value of the parameter is zero. Setting the value of the parameter to zero disables user/group quotas.
Note: Ensure that you use this configuration file when creating the virtual private server.
Reference: http://parallels.com
SiteAdmin Navigation bar customization in Ensim Pro
Customizing the Site Administrator’s navbar to have links with URL that has both dynamic and static information.
Customizing the Site Administrator’s navbar to have links with URL of the format http:/// where is dynamic and is static information.
Installation Instruction:
Run command cd /usr/lib/ensim/frontend/skins
Copy the 3 files, customization.zip, customizer.sh and filelist, to this location.
Run command sh customaizer.sh. This command will create a backup.zip file of the 3 files that will be overwritten and store it in /tmp/ location. Also, it will overwrite the XSL files for all 3 skins.
Follow the instructions under the topics “Adding a static entry in the XMLfile” & “Viewing your changes” as described in eplpro_urlconfiguration_guide.pdf
Reference : http://parallels.com
How do I change the IP address of my server in Ensim Pro for Linux.
If you are changing the IP address of your server you need to modify the following files with the new IP address, replacing any instance of the old IP address:
Now reboot the server and then run the following command
# /usr/local/bin/NBDetectchanges
Apache crash during high load in Ensim Pro Control Panel
Apache crash on high load with the following error in the error log: “(28) No space left on device: mod_python: Failed to create global mutex 1 of 4 exclog: signal received 15″
The problem may be caused by small number of semaphores in system.
Resolution is to increase number of semaphores.
To increase the number of semaphores please take the following steps, Login to your PPCPL server as root. Open the /etc/sysctl.conf file using a text editor
Locate the kernel.sem parameter and double current values
If the parameter is not defined in the /etc/sysctl.conf file you can obtain current values by executing the following command:
After obtaining current values, double them and add to the /etc/sysctl.conf file so that the line looks like.
kernel.sem = 512 32000 100 512
Execute sysctl in order the changes to take effect