Archive for May, 2009


Installing Perl Modules

Installing Perl Modules.

Perl Modules can be obtained from the CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) at

The easiest way to install Perl modules on Unix is to use the CPAN module. For example:

shell> perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install DBI
cpan> install DBD::mysql

DBD::mysql is the Perl5 Database Interface driver for the MySQL database.

To find a particular module, use the i command, followed by an expression that you want to search for:

cpan> i /Time/ will go out to the CPAN mirrror that you selected, download the list of modules, and tell you which ones match the search word.

To install a module, just type:

cpan> install Time::CTime takes care of the whole process. It downloads the compressed file, unpacks it, builds it, and installs it all for you, unless there is a problem with the installation process. If there are other modules on which this module relies, it will also download and install those.


Configuring Your Firewall For Webmin

The simplest way to open up port 10000 is to use one of the Webmin firewall management modules, such as Linux Firewall, BSD Firewall or IPFilter Firewall. However, to access this you’ll need to run a brower on the same system as Webmin, and access it via the URL http://localhost:10000/.

The alternative is to login as root via SSH, and manually edit the firewall configuration file. On Redhat and derived systems, this is /etc/sysconfig/iptables, while on Debian it is /var/lib/iptables. The line you need to add is :

-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 10000 -j ACCEPT

Once this line has been added, you will need to apply the firewall configuration. This is typically done with the command

/etc/init.d/iptables restart

Installing Rootcheck

Rootcheck is an open source rootkit detection and system auditing software.

How to use it

Download from :

* rootcheck requires the Perl Modules IO::Interface.

Rootcheck is a very simple software. Just unpack, compile and execute it. It will scan the system and print if it found or not anything.

  1. wget
  2. tar -zxvf rootcheck-2.0.tar.gz
  3. cd rootcheck-2.0
  4. make all
  5. ./ossec-rootcheck

Rootkit detection

Criminals (also known as hackers) want to hide their actions, but using rootkit detection you can be notified when they (or trojans, viruses, etc) change your system in this way.

Active response

Take immediate and automatic responses when something happens. Why wait for hours when you can alert your admin and block an attack right way?

How To Scan the System

  1. ./

RootCheck. is an extremely useful open source software for servers since it scans the server and finds any problems on it.

Installing and Configuring CSF Firewall

ConfigServer Firewall & Security. A Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Login/Intrusion Detection.

This article demonstrates how to install and configure the CSF (configserver) firewall. CSF can be used on a wide range of Linux systems, including those running cPanel.

cd /tmp
tar zxf csf.tgz
cd csf

To configure CSF modify the config files in /etc/csf/ - or if you are running WHM you can modify the CSF settings in there. By default CSF opens the standard cPanel ports.

If you have APF + BFD you will need to disable it, you can use the following to do so:


How to Fix cPanel/WHM Quotas

To Fix Common reasons for quota problems

Run the following command as root user.


Try finding other files owned by the user.

find -user username > /tmp/username.txt

This will list all files owned by this user that could be affecting the quota reported by Cpanel.

Cpanel/WHM sometimes has problems with the user quota files causing all users accounts to have unlimited disk space available or 0 megs of disk space in use.

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